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Working with KNX in Automations

KNX is very important to us and we always do our best to provide great support for it in our products.

In Automations, like in other parts of the 1Home Server, KNX is a first class citizen.

It is very easy to listen for telegrams received from KNX, read group address values and write directly to the KNX bus.

Table of contents

Want to write time & date to KNX bus?

You can use Automations to write date and time to KNX bus. Download a KNX Date & Time automation template.

🎬 Video tutorial

Reacting to new KNX telegrams

You can listen for new KNX telegrams on a specific KNX gateway and group address and use it to trigger automations.


  • Group Address - If you have previously imported an ETS project file, you can select a group address from the list and search for it by name. If the Datapoint Type was provided in ETS it is automatically selected. Otherwise you can manually type in the group address.
  • Datapoint Type - You can choose from many different KNX Datapoint Types to specify in which way you expect the telegram to be interpreted, full list here.
  • Only Trigger on Value Change - For some telegrams such as push button events you want to react every time, even if the value that you receive is the same as the previous one. With other devices where you only want to react on state change (e.g. water pump), you can enable this value and any retransmits of the same value will be ignored.

Trigger KNX

In the later steps of the automation you can use the value of the KNX telegram received in the trigger (as interpreted based on the Datapoint Type) as a Dynamic Data.

Trigger KNX -Dynamic data

Select the value of the trigger which received a KNX telegram.

It can then be used in the Dynamic inputs as shown below. Trigger KNX -Dynamic data use

Learn more about Dynamic Data in the Using dynamic data guide.

Writing KNX Group Address

You can write a new value to a KNX bus for a specific group address, datapoint dype and gateway. You can either use the value from the dropdown (e.g. true or false) or use a Dynamic data to for example send to KNX a specific state of some device.


  • Group Address - If you have previously imported an ETS project file, you can select a group address from the list and search for it by name. If the Datapoint Type was provided in ETS it is automatically selected. Otherwise you can manually type in the group address.
  • Datapoint Type - You can choose from many different KNX Datapoint Types to specify in which way you expect the telegram to be interpreted, full list here.
  • Group Value Type - Can be either Group Value Write or Group Read Response (Group Value Read uses a dedicated command, explained in the next section). When writing data to KNX bus, usually Group Value Write is used.

Writing KNX GA

Reading KNX Group Address

You can read a value from a KNX bus for a specific group address, datapoint type and gateway. You can then use the received value in the next steps of the automation.


  • Group Address - If you have previously imported an ETS project file, you can select a group address from the list and search for it by name. If the Datapoint Type was provided in ETS it is automatically selected. Otherwise you can manually type in the group address.
  • Datapoint Type - You can choose from many different KNX Datapoint Types to specify in which way you expect the telegram to be interpreted, full list here.

Reading KNX GA

In automation steps after the read is performed, you can use the returned value.

Simply select it from the Dynamic Data list as shown below.

Reading KNX GA - use

It can then be used in the Dynamic inputs as shown below. Action KNX - Dynamic data use

Learn more about Dynamic Data in the Using dynamic data guide.

List of Supported DPTs

The following is a list of DPTs that are supported in 1Home Automations to interact with KNX.

1.001DPT Switch1 Bit
1.002DPT Bool1 Bit
1.003DPT Enable1 Bit
1.004DPT Ramp1 Bit
1.005DPT Alarm1 Bit
1.006DPT Binary Value1 Bit
1.007DPT Step1 Bit
1.008DPT Up Down1 Bit
1.009DPT Open Close1 Bit
1.010DPT Start1 Bit
1.011DPT State1 Bit
1.012DPT Invert1 Bit
1.013DPT Dim Send Style1 Bit
1.014DPT Input Source1 Bit
1.015DPT Reset1 Bit
1.016DPT Ack1 Bit
1.017DPT Trigger1 Bit
1.018DPT Occupancy1 Bit
1.019DPT Window Door1 Bit
1.021DPT Logical Function1 Bit
1.022DPT Scene AB1 Bit
1.023DPT Shutter Blinds Mode1 Bit
1.024DPT Day Night1 Bit
5.001DPT Scaling1 Byte
5.003DPT Angle1 Byte
5.004DPT Percent U81 Byte
5.005DPT Decimal Factor1 Byte
5.010DPT Value 1 Ucount1 Byte
6.010DPT Value 1 Count1 Byte
7.001DPT Value 2 Ucount2 Bytes
7.002DPT Time Period Msec2 Bytes
7.003DPT Time Period 10 MSec2 Bytes
7.004DPT Time Period 100 MSec2 Bytes
7.005DPT Time Period Sec2 Bytes
7.006DPT Time Period Min2 Bytes
7.007DPT Time Period Hrs2 Bytes
7.600DPT Absolute Colour Temperature2 Bytes
9.001DPT Value Temp2 Bytes
9.002DPT Value Tempd2 Bytes
9.003DPT Value Tempa2 Bytes
9.004DPT Value Lux2 Bytes
9.005DPT Value Wsp2 Bytes
9.006DPT Value Pres2 Bytes
9.007DPT Value Humidity2 Bytes
9.008DPT Value Air Quality2 Bytes
9.009DPT Value Air Flow2 Bytes
9.010DPT Value Time12 Bytes
9.011DPT Value Time22 Bytes
9.020DPT Value Volt2 Bytes
9.021DPT Value Curr2 Bytes
9.022DPT Power Density2 Bytes
9.023DPT Kelvin Per Percent2 Bytes
9.024DPT Power2 Bytes
9.025DPT Value Volume Flow2 Bytes
9.026DPT Rain Amount2 Bytes
9.027DPT Value Temp F2 Bytes
9.028DPT Value Wsp kmh2 Bytes
9.029DPT Value Absolute Humidity2 Bytes
9.030DPT Concentration µgm32 Bytes
10.001DPT Time of Day3 Bytes
11.001DPT Date3 Bytes
12.001DPT Value 4 Ucount4 Bytes
12.100DPT Long Time Period Sec4 Bytes
12.101DPT Long Time Period Min4 Bytes
12.102DPT Long Time Period Hrs4 Bytes
13.001DPT Value 4 Count4 Bytes
13.002DPT Flow Rate m3/h4 Bytes
13.010DPT Active Energy4 Bytes
13.011DPT Apparant Energy4 Bytes
13.012DPT Reactive Energy4 Bytes
13.013DPT Active Energy kWh4 Bytes
13.014DPT Apparant Energy kVAh4 Bytes
13.015DPT Reactive Energy kVARh4 Bytes
13.016DPT Active Energy MWh4 Bytes
13.100DPT Long Delta Time Sec4 Bytes
14.000DPT Value Acceleration4 Bytes
14.001DPT Value Acceleration Angular4 Bytes
14.002DPT Value Activation Energy4 Bytes
14.003DPT Value Activity4 Bytes
14.004DPT Value Mol4 Bytes
14.005DPT Value Amplitude4 Bytes
14.006DPT Value Angle Rad4 Bytes
14.007DPT Value Angle Deg4 Bytes
14.008DPT Value Angular Momentum4 Bytes
14.009DPT Value Angular Velocity4 Bytes
14.010DPT Value Area4 Bytes
14.011DPT Value Capacitance4 Bytes
14.012DPT Value Charge Density Surface4 Bytes
14.013DPT Value Charge Density Volume4 Bytes
14.014DPT Value Compressibility4 Bytes
14.015DPT Value Conductance4 Bytes
14.016DPT Value Electrical Conductivity4 Bytes
14.017DPT Value Density4 Bytes
14.018DPT Value Electric Charge4 Bytes
14.019DPT Value Electric Current4 Bytes
14.020DPT Value Electric Current Density4 Bytes
14.021DPT Value Electric Dipole Moment4 Bytes
14.022DPT Value Electric Displacement4 Bytes
14.023DPT Value Electric Field Strength4 Bytes
14.024DPT Value Electric Flux4 Bytes
14.025DPT Value Electric Flux Density4 Bytes
14.026DPT Value Electric Polarization4 Bytes
14.027DPT Value Electric Potential4 Bytes
14.028DPT Value Electric Potential Difference4 Bytes
14.029DPT Value Electromagnetic Moment4 Bytes
14.030DPT Value Electromotive Force4 Bytes
14.031DPT Value Energy4 Bytes
14.032DPT Value Force4 Bytes
14.033DPT Value Frequency4 Bytes
14.034DPT Value Angular Frequency4 Bytes
14.035DPT Value Heat Capacity4 Bytes
14.036DPT Value Heat Flow Rate4 Bytes
14.037DPT Value Heat Quantity4 Bytes
14.038DPT Value Impedance4 Bytes
14.039DPT Value Length4 Bytes
14.040DPT Value Light Quantity4 Bytes
14.041DPT Value Luminance4 Bytes
14.042DPT Value Luminous Flux4 Bytes
14.043DPT Value Luminous Intensity4 Bytes
14.044DPT Value Magnetic Field Strength4 Bytes
14.045DPT Value Magnetic Flux4 Bytes
14.046DPT Value Magnetic Flux Density4 Bytes
14.047DPT Value Magnetic Moment4 Bytes
14.048DPT Value Magnetic Polarization4 Bytes
14.049DPT Value Magnetization4 Bytes
14.050DPT Value Magnetomotive Force4 Bytes
14.051DPT Value Mass4 Bytes
14.052DPT Value Mass Flux4 Bytes
14.053DPT Value Momentum4 Bytes
14.054DPT Value Phase Angle Rad4 Bytes
14.055DPT Value Phase Angle Deg4 Bytes
14.056DPT Value Power4 Bytes
14.057DPT Value Power Factor4 Bytes
14.058DPT Value Pressure4 Bytes
14.059DPT Value Reactance4 Bytes
14.060DPT Value Resistance4 Bytes
14.061DPT Value Resistivity4 Bytes
14.062DPT Value Self Inductance4 Bytes
14.063DPT Value Solid Angle4 Bytes
14.064DPT Value Sound Intensity4 Bytes
14.065DPT Value Speed4 Bytes
14.066DPT Value Stress4 Bytes
14.067DPT Value Surface Tension4 Bytes
14.068DPT Value Common Temperature4 Bytes
14.069DPT Value Absolute Temperature4 Bytes
14.070DPT Value Temperature Difference4 Bytes
14.071DPT Value Thermal Capacity4 Bytes
14.072DPT Value Thermal Conductivity4 Bytes
14.073DPT Value Thermoelectric Power4 Bytes
14.074DPT Value Time4 Bytes
14.075DPT Value Torque4 Bytes
14.076DPT Value Volume4 Bytes
14.077DPT Value Volume Flux4 Bytes
14.078DPT Value Weight4 Bytes
14.079DPT Value Work4 Bytes
14.080DPT Value Apparent Power4 Bytes
16.000DPT String ASCII14 Bytes
16.001DPT String 8859-114 Bytes
17.001DPT Scene Number1 Byte
18.001DPT Scene Control1 Byte
19.001DPT Date Time8 Bytes
20.102DPT HVAC Mode1 Byte
20.105DPT HVAC Control Mode1 Byte
232.600DPT Colour RGB3 Bytes

DPT not listed?

If you would like to use a DPT that is currently not supported, either: