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Actions Block

Action block gives you an ability to change your devices states from the automation.


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Running multiple actions at the same time

You can add multiple actions to an Action block.

All of such actions will be run at the same time. This is useful if you want for example to turn on multiple lights at once.

In case you want to run actions one after the other, you can create two Action blocks after the other. The second block will only start running after the first one is completed.

Using data from the system

In the Action block you can use any data available in your system or from the previous steps of the automation.

Possible data:

Working with KNX

To learn how to use values directly from KNX in Action blocks, check the Working with KNX in Automations guide.

Using results of actions

In the blocks following the Action block, you can reference the result value of the action or check if it was successfully run.

In the preview of the automation you can quickly see from which action the value was taken from by checking the Action reference (eg. A1 in the image below).

Action KNX -Dynamic data use

Handling errors

In some cases during the runtime of an Action block an error can occur.

This can happen for example if the device you are performing an action on is currently offline.

You can decide what to do in case the error occurs. The default is simply to continue with the automation. In the Run History you will see that the error has occurred in the automation, but the execution will continue.

Here are possible options:

Action Block: If Error Occurs

For example if something goes wrong you can abort the whole automation (you will see a failed status in the Run History) or Handle the condition in a separate branch as shown below (this will be useful to send a notification for certain critical automations).

Condition Block: Hande Branch

You can select to handle any issues in a separate branch. See orange alert branch above.

Transform data in actions

When setting values in actions you can use advanced data transformations, maths and more.

Check the Transform data in Dynamic input section in our Transform data in Automations guide to learn more.

Dynamic Data In Action