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Get started with Automations

Learn everything that you need to know in order to get started with Automations.

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🎬 Video tutorial

1. Locate your automations

To access your automations, navigate in the left side bar of your 1Home Server dashboard to Automations tab. Here you will see a list of all of your automations.

You will also be able to see the run history of your automations. Learn more about Run History.

Automations list

2. Create automation

To start creating your first automation, click + Add button and provide automation name and description (optional).

New automation

3. Edit automation

After you click Save, you will be able to start creating your automation.

To start with you will be presented with an automation that only includes one un-configured trigger.

Empty automation

There are many automation blocks that you can use to build your automation. We suggest that you learn more about each of them here:

Anywhere in the system you can also use Dynamic Data, which enables you to do simple math, access states of your devices, system time and values from previous blocks.

Sample automation: Night light

In the image below we have created an automation that reacts to the changes of the Bathroom occupancy sensor and turns on the light to a different percentage during the day or night. In case the sensor stops detecting movement, the light is turned off.

We suggest that you watch the video at the start of this guide to see a step by step tutorial on how to create an automation.

Night light

Want to try it out? Download this automation from the Automation templates.

Reusing automation

You can easily reuse this automation in other rooms in just a couple of clicks by simply Duplicating it and using a Quick device replace function. Learn how to do that.

4. Enable automation

After you are satisfied with your automation you can enabled it in the top right corner.

Enable automation

Voila! Now the automation is running.

5. View run history

You can see the history of automation runs in the Run History tab as shown in the image below.

This way you always know what is going on in your system and when.

Run history

6. Backup your system

It is always good to have a backup of your configuration.

With 1Home Server, this is very simple. See how to back up your 1Home Server configuration.

Next steps

Now that you know the basics you can learn how to get the most out of Automations by digging into different guides below.