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Remote access to 1Home Server

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Note for 1Home Bridge users

Remote Dashboard is not compatible with the 1Home Bridge as of now. To use your 1Home Bridge device, go to

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Learn how to connect to your 1Home Server remotely from anywhere in the world.

1. Create account and log in

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First go to and create your account.

You will receive a confirmation email. After that you can proceed to login.

Remote login

2. Create organization or household

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In organization you can manage multiple projects together with other people.

This can be used to manage your home (and that vacation house on Mallorca 🏖️ ☀️ 😉) together with your family or friends who know a thing or two about smart homes.

But the biggest usecase is for professional integrators that need to manage many smart installations together with their coworkers.

Create organization

After you have created your organization or household, click on it's View button.

You will see organization details where you will be able to manage organization projects and members.

Projects empty

3. Create new project

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Now you can add your project.

You can provide more details so that you and other people with access will be able to easily identify to which customer this project belongs.

Add project

4. Pair your 1Home Server

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After you create your project you will immediately see the pairing code for the 1Home Server, but you can always later pair the device (or even more than one) from the project's detailed view.

Pair server

Copy the pairing code and then go to your 1Home Server local dashboard to pair the project to the device under Remote Access -> Add.

Paste pairing code

Once the device is paired with the project you can see it on the 1Home Server's local dashboard:

Project connected to 1Home Server

As well as in the Remote Dashboard under the project details:

Device seen in remote project

5. Connect to 1Home Server

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To connect to 1Home Server, simply press the Connect button in Project details view and voila! - you are connected to your local dashboard remotely.

6. View access history

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Both from the 1Home Server and from the paired project in the Remote Dashboard you can view who has remotely accessed your device and when.

Access history

7. Other things you can do

Now that you know how to connect to your device remotely, learn how to harness the full power of the Remote Dashboard.