An easy way to fulfill requests of a modern KNX customer

1Home an easy way to fulfill requests of a modern KNX customer

The most advanced and user friendly mobile app for KNX users via Apple Home.

Integrate AV, intercom, and security systems with KNX in a single sleek mobile app.

Offer really smart features like voice control and geofencing.

Let customers adapt their automations through a friendly automation app.

Fastest visu setup on the market and secure remote access for programming via ETS.

1Home an easy way to fulfill requests of a modern KNX customer

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Offer smart assistant functions to your clients

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Have all your 1Home customers in one place, check diagnostics, connect remotely if needed.

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Partner dashboard is also a place where we communicate all product news and relevant partner information.

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Use your voice to control your home

Voice control with 1Home
Voice control with 1Home
Voice control with 1Home

With geofencing you can trigger automation based on location

A geofence is an invisible boundary, a virtual perimeter for a real-world geographic area. For example, with geofencing you can create triggers so that when a device enters or leaves the pre-defined boundaries, a device turns on. This way a nicely lit house can await you when you come back from work.

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our partner manager

1Home book a live demo

"I will showcase our product from setup to usage and answer any questions you might have!"

Martin Kovač, Sales Manager

No more hassle in integrating AV, intercom, and security devices with KNX

1Home integrating AV, intercom, and security devices with KNX
1Home integrating AV, intercom, and security devices with KNX

+ There are thousands of Apple Home-supported IoT devices that can be integrated

More than just mobile app control

1Home more than just mobile app control

HomeKit Secure video

HomeKit Secure Video, available on iOS 13.2 and later, leverages Apple's iCloud service to securely stream and store video clips from compatible third-party indoor and outdoor cameras and doorbells. Activity notifications come directly through the Home app and include thumbnails to provide a quick glimpse of what's been detected.

Secure remote control

Home security footage keeps one of the most sensitive information in your home. You want to make sure that the footage is only seen by the people you allow. Apple Home offers a Secure Video for your cameras which prevents anyone from seeing the camera footage except for you, even Apple. Videos are analyzed locally on your HomeKit hub located in your home. Only important bits are stored in iCloud for you to see, all end to end encrypted.

Runs even without the internet

Both KNX and Apple Home run completely locally, if you lose access to the internet, your smart home will continue to work uninterruptedly. The only time HomeKit needs to send data outside of your home is when you want to access your home remotely or when it needs to better understand your voice commands.

Let customers create their own automation so you can focus on closing new projects.

To create an automation, you first have to configure a starter.

After that, you can select devices or scenes that you want to control once the trigger is fired.

KNX Automations you can setup with Apple Home

When this happens

Voice command



KNX push button

KNX or IoT Sensors


Then this happens

Device action



Apple TV


Take the Apple Home tour of our virtual show-room

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1Home Apple Home virtual show-room

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1Home book a live demo

"I will showcase our product from setup to usage and answer any questions you might have!"

Martin Kovač, Sales Manager

Thousands of integrations that customers can manage themselves without breaking your KNX installation

Complement your BUS home with Smart Assistant supported wireless devices

1Home supported wireless devices

Samsung TV's

1Home supported wireless devices

Ring doorbell

1Home supported wireless devices

Philips HUE

1Home supported wireless devices

Logitech Circle

1Home supported wireless devices


1Home supported wireless devices

Sonos One

+ Thousands of other devices

Simple way for customers to create their own automation on top of KNX

To create an automation, you first have to name it and select when the automation should occur.

After that, you can select devices or scenes that you want to control once the trigger is fired.

KNX automations you can setup for Android

When this happens

Voice command


Sunset / Sunrise

Then this happens

Device action

Play and control media

Adjust assistant volume

Adjust phone settings

Communicate & announce

Info and reminders

Use your KNX push buttons to trigger SONOS speakers functions

Learn more
1Home Sonos - KNX integration

The best option for professionals

Why is it easy to setup?

We have built an auto-detection algorithm that reconstructs over 80% of smart home devices out of the existing ETS project file which saves you loads of time that you normally spend copying and pasting group addresses into visualisation dashboards. Together with our strong focus on ease of use we can offer the quickest visualization setup time on the market.

Secure remote access will save you ton of time on on-site visits and guarantee a peace of mind

Move your company to the 21st century and forget about the after-service on-site visits. We have built a solution that will enable you to securely connect to your customer smart homes via KNX ETS. Diagnose, maintain, adapt - all from the comfort of your office.

In comparison to a VPN which normally establishes a connection to your router and that enables access to all devices in the network - the 1Home solution is dedicated to smart home devices only.

1Home secure remote access scheme
Learn more

PRO dashboard to keep all your customers in the same place

In the 1Home dashboard you manage your smart home, your smart assistants, name/rename your devices and disable devices you don't want to share with smart assistants.

1Home the best option for professionals

Professional support team

All our products are really easy to setup and use but if you need any advice our support & engineering team is happy to help. And if it turns out, the product is not right for your customer, we give you your money back, no questions asked. You can always 'activate us' through the chat button in the bottom right corner. We'll first ask few questions automatically to segment your case and then the right person will engage.

1Home the best option for professionals

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our partner manager

1Home book a live demo

"I will showcase our product from setup to usage and answer any questions you might have!"

Martin Kovač, Sales Manager

We are working with smart home professionals from all around the world

1Home integrator map

What other professionals say about 1Home products

1Home integrator testimonial CEO Hotjar

Dr. David Darmanin
CEO, Hotjar

"I finally feel independent in managing my Loxone smart home."

1Home integrator testimonial CEO Finethorp

Oliver Cox
CEO, Finethorp

"Our client was absolutely blown away by how quickly the system started working with HomeKit."

1Home integrator testimonial CEO Weinzierl

Thomas Weinzierl
CEO, Weinzierl

"With the 1Home's streamlined integration process we have added compatibility for Google Assistant & Alexa to our BAOS 777 device in a matter of days. Users can now simply Voice Control their homes, after a 5-minute set-up"

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Get access to exclusive partner prices, order in bulk and increase your margin.

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Manage projects in one place

Have all your 1Home customers in one place, check diagnostics, connect remotely if needed.

Access to 1Home partner dashboard

Stay up to date

Partner dashboard is also a place where we communicate all product news and relevant partner information.

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Buy 1Home products

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Express Worldwide

30-day money back
guarantee on all products

2-Year warranty on all

1Home Bridge

We suggest this device if you require Alexa (which doesn't support Matter bridges well yet) or Sonos (not supported on 1Home Server) integration. Works with KNX & Loxone.

1Home Bridge

799 € + VAT

Buy now


Smart Assistant app and voice control of KNX & Loxone

Via Direct API integration of Apple Home (only KNX), Google Home and Amazon Alexa.

Easy KNX setup with automatic ETS devices detection

Easy setup of Loxone via Miniserver API integration.

Remote access via 1Home Dashboard

1Home partners get more for less.

Join our Partnership program to access exclusive pricing and other benefits.

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Frequently asked questions

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"I will showcase our product from setup to usage and answer any questions you might have!"

Martin Kovač, Sales Manager

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