YouTube is a source of funny cat videos, but it can also be used as an invaluable source for sharing knowledge, reviewing smart devices, showing off a smart home setup and learning a lot on the way.
Smart homes are definitely a field that gets through quick changes, both because our lifestyle and its relationship with technology is getting upgraded and also because the big players in this field, the smart assistants are updating their code regularly. Rapid changes mean a great need for adaptation and staying in touch with the newest products and practices.
What better way to stay in touch with the latest updates in the smart home tech than to get subscribed to the top 12 KNX YouTube channels.
Here’s our selection of the best KNX & smart home tech specialists:
1. PoseidwnTech
PoseidwnTech (6.74K subscribers) is a team that loves technology and is passionate about home automation led by Theodoros Priskas. Their goal is to share their knowledge in the smart home field and provide solutions for DIY-ers and installers alike.
With videos ranging from connecting KNX devices and KNX programming tutorials to DIY hacks with Raspberry Pi, the PoseidwnTech is a hit with both beginners in the smart home tech and professionals.

Theo from PoseidwnTech is a friend of ours, we have collaborated with him a lot in the past, so he was more than happy to answer our questions:
Q: Tell me more about yourself, when and why did you start your YouTube channel?
A: After working for more than a decade in some really big tech companies I decided to start my own business. I was focused mostly on smart home, automation and of course KNX. I am also a tech enthusiast and I always wanted to share the knowledge I gained all these years, although this is not the best practice in the industry when it has to do with your competitors.
While searching for KNX mostly in Youtube I found out that there is not concrete and detailed information as I would like. This was enough for me to start the PoseidwnTech Youtube channel. Although KNX is not the only topic of my channel, it is the centre of smart home in most of the cases.
Q: In what ways do you think smart homes simplify people’s lives?
A: Long story short, smart homes simplify peoples' lives by minimising spending time on actions that are not so important. For example when I am in a hurry going to the beach with my kids, I prefer to press a button and be sure that all actions (turn off all lights, lock back door, lock garage door, arm alarm, …etc) in the home are executed rather than spending the time on each manual action. Also when I am arriving home in the afternoon I would like to have light in the front driveway turned on. … There are countless examples!
Q: How did you get into KNX smart homes and what got you interested?
A: I wanted something to work as the heart of the smart home that would not be brand dependent (I could choose any brand that has the best product for the case and be able to collaborate without any problems) and be sure that it would work without problems for several years.
Also expandability was one of my concerns. Taking under consideration the facts above I think that KNX is the best solution for smart homes.
Q: What is your position on the integration of stable and wired smart homes and wireless, IoT devices such as Philips Hue lamps?
A: Although nowadays wireless networks are really stable, in all the cases I am able to use a cable this is the approach I am using. Cables when available are preferred. Philips Hue is included in many of our projects and we really like it.
Q: Alexa, Siri or Google? Or none at all.
A: Voice controls and assistants are a must have in all smart home projects! Siri and HomeKit are my favourite, but Alexa and Google Assistant are also really good. So when searching for products I prefer to choose those that are compatible with all platforms.
2. Haus-Automatisierung
Haus-Automatisierung (61.6K subscribers) covers everything to do with the topic of DIY smart home with the focus on affordable solutions. He works the most with cloud-free solutions such as ioBroker, NodeRed, but also professional smart home bus systems such as KNX, Loxone, DALI, DMX, 1Wire and others.
As a software developer with 15+ years of professional experience, he can certainly give you one or two tips on how to intelligently and efficiently link your components with one another.

Matthias from Haus-Automatisierung was happy to answer some of our questions:
Q: Why and when have you started your KNX YouTube channel?
A: I used to have a blog about software development. There I presented some topics about building services engineering and open source smart home solutions (like FHEM). Since these were the most clicked articles after a short time, I wanted to show more and help others. Unfortunately, I soon realized that one reaches the limits in text form and not everything can be explained easily. Therefore I started to put the first screencasts on YouTube. And so it all started in 2016. Gradually more and more topics were added and since then the channel has become the largest German-language channel in the field of building services engineering. For me, DIY and open source are still in the foreground. I want to show others that you can take the topic into your own hands and that you can also reach your goal with cheaper solutions.
Since the end of 2017, I have even been doing this as a full-time freelancer. I love to constantly learn new topics and to familiarize myself with things. I have made it my mission to make the seemingly complicated topics understandable for everyone. It's really not as complicated as you might think at first - and it's also a hobby. As a lone fighter it is also very diversified - no day is like the other. Technical tasks are as important as creative ones. After all, the videos have to be cut, a thumbnail has to be built with Photoshop, photos have to be taken and much more.
Your new all-in-one KNX / Loxone Server.

Q: In what ways do you think smart homes simplify people’s lives?
A: It is simply that a lot of tasks are taken off - I do not have to concern myself anymore with the control of the blinds / shutters. Depending on the position of the sun and brightness, they are completely automatic. In the same way, I practically don't have to operate any push buttons in the house anymore. Wherever someone is, the light goes on when needed. At night of course not so bright, so that one is not dazzled etc. These are all comfort issues. Meanwhile, in other houses I even forget that you have to switch off the light behind you. You get used to it extremely fast. And if everything happens automatically, then I don't need remote control on the road via app. Why should I? I do not operate anything when I am at home. So why should I be able to drive the shutters from the beach? I see no added value there.
Q: What made you decide to go into KNX?
A: At the time I smiled at KNX - I wondered why you should spend a lot of money when you can retrofit everything. But that is not the whole truth. Many topics simply cannot be tackled without KNX. For example, there is no other system (as far as I know) that offers presence detectors with different zones. So I can virtually separate rooms - as soon as I cross the "border" in the room, for example, the light in the open kitchen goes on. And exactly such points simply fascinated me.
In the same way, I definitely didn't want to have large switch batteries on the wall - in my opinion, that looks quite strange. And nobody understands that anymore - especially not visitors. So I prefer a button with a display, which makes everything understandable at a glance, although the buttons don't even have to be used, because everything should happen automatically. And with KNX there is the right push button for every taste, while with other solutions I am limited to a few models. After all, it should be "smart" - and not "clumsy and opaque". And you can't retrofit that with other solutions - unfortunately.
So I started to take the first steps on a demo board and just test KNX. And I was thrilled. Of course, the license model is a bit of a pain - that's also the biggest criticism. But in principle you only have advantages by using KNX.
Q: What is your position on the integration of stable and wired smart homes and wireless, IoT devices?
A: Well I would always prefer the integrated wired version (if possible). For me this is the basis in every new building and a must-have. I would rather delete other items on the wish list that can be retrofitted later. However, since the complete electrical system cannot be replaced, a bus system should always be used as a basis. You can then build on this and integrate further systems. Well, and then you can build on it and integrate further systems. For me, there is nothing to be said against connecting further solutions via KNX - why not get Philips Hue or start the suction robot with a KNX button? This is not mutually exclusive, but a great extension!
For me, the only thing that is important is that everything runs locally and without a cloud. Why should a control command first be sent via Ireland to Frankfurt and then back to my home if the device is only 5 meters away? That's how I select the devices.
I also think it's important to lay a foundation with the electrical system in the house. Of course, that is no longer possible in the existing building. But what good is a smart lamp, for example, if I physically disconnect it from the power supply at the light switch and then only get it back on again there? That is the opposite of smart. With the appropriate electrics you don't have this problem - then there is continuous voltage on the lamp outlet and the KNX button or presence detector controls Hue. And if Hue is no longer available, the lamp outlet can be converted to a KNX actuator. It is also important that the electrical system is planned as flexible as possible. And unfortunately many people forget this point in new buildings. Strangely enough, a few meters of cable are saved, but 20 Hue lamps at 50 Euro each are no problem.
Q: Alexa, Siri or Google? Or none at all?
A: Depending on what you feel like doing. As an Apple user I find Homekit super interesting - as well as Siri. For someone with an Android smartphone the Google Assistant is probably the first choice. And Alexa I find very strong, too. But all this is just a bonus for me. I see it like a remote control - it's nice to have these features and be able to use them, but I wouldn't want to depend on them. Logics and routines don't belong in these systems for me, but only trigger them from the outside.
At the moment I get along completely without this remote control. But since everything is integrated and connected, I can upgrade it at any time - without follow-up costs. So controlling the whole house with Siri, Alexa or Google is no problem at all, because the basis is right. Maybe I'll get the urge to do it again soon - then I'll just add the module. There are many nice solutions that make the integration very easy.
3. Clever4home
Clever4Home (2.34K subscribers) channel was created by Bastian in 2014. The channel features Gira and different IoT devices with videos from introductions to budget-friendly smart home bus systems to integrating Sonos speakers and LED lights into a smart home.
Bastian has a wide knowledge of different KNX smart home manufacturers and is willing to showcase their strong and weak points to make it easier for future smart home owners to decide. You definitely can’t miss Clever4Home if you’re researching for a smart home and understand German language.

4. Onesmarthome.de
The Onesmarthome.de (2.19K subscribers) channel is the one for smart home owners that would like to adapt their KNX home with Amazon Alexa, Logitech Harmony, Xiaomi smart devices and others. He explains how to integrate open-source solution called openHAB2 and program IoT integrations into KNX as well as local voice control and other great features of a smart home.
If you are a programmer and DIY-er by heart, onesmarthome.de is the one for you!

5. Wouter Pieper
Wouter Pieper (1.27K subscribers) is a young creator and DIY-er, very familiar with smart home tech and how to program it with the help of Arduino. By following his tutorials it’s actually quite easy to open a Loxone door remotely with an app via Arduino and an IP camera or learn how to integrate Google into Loxone with Sonoff switch.
If you have some programming background and like to fiddle with your KNX or Loxone smart home, then integrating a Sonoff switch with Wouter’s help is a must. Then the switch can trigger a digital input on your Loxone Miniserver with Google Home and the sky is basically the limit on what you can do with this. You could also use another switch to trigger from Loxone or another plug that is compatible with Google Home.

6. Kurz und Schluss
Kurz und Schluss (15.9K subscribers) is a German YouTube channel focused on electrical engineering, smart homes, satellite technology and IoT integrations. This one is highly technical, aimed at a professional crowd of engineers, electricians and smart home installers.
His tutorials on the KNX programming with ETS 5 file are insightful and he shows a lot of it in practice as well, with explanations of group addresses and what they stand for. Jens, the owner of the channel, was willing to speak to us regarding his YouTube channel and his views on the smart home ecosystem of 2020.

Q: Tell us more about yourself and your YouTube channel?
A: I'm involved in the professional training for “Elektroniker für Energie-und Gebäudetechnik” (electronic technicians for energy and building services engineering) and I'm also very active in the implementation of the journeyman's examinations in this field of electrical engineering. My job is to motivate trainees to become good in their field and gain experience for their daily life, because the logical understanding that is required in our trade can be used in everyday life, not only in dealing with electrical engineering plans, programming, parameterization and dealing with customers.
Anyone who has to deal with technical problems and is looking for quick solutions is of course nowadays on the Internet and can also find great tutorials on YouTube. Filtering for yourself" is the difficult part and often you get upset about videos that don't satisfy you.
In order to be sustainable in my knowledge transfer and also to make my own view of things known and actually for the trainees to deal with all relevant topics before the exams I have created my channel on 11.11.2015.
I am happy to have achieved this, as I am getting a lot of positive feedback. Most of the criticism I receive is very constructive and allows me to grow in my knowledge and share it with everyone again. Meanwhile, my channel is also very popular with master students and experienced electricians and very often I get comments from interested "non-experts" who are looking for help from me. All this motivates of course.
Q: In what ways do smart homes simplify our lives?
A: Today the internet offers the possibility to get special knowledge with a "snap of a finger" and above all you can see how digital development really influences the life of humans in every respect. Rapidly and almost "supersonically" we are approaching or fulfilling the technology that we used to marvel at in science fiction films and novels. Unfortunately, these films and novels did not yet contain the experiences and the recipe for real life, which means that the development of artificial intelligence also means development as a human being.
As a wonderful achievement, I see the ever-increasing effort to make buildings more intelligent and smarter. All factors, up to the presence of a person, which influence the air conditioning/heating, for example, are participants in a complex task. If you have an intelligent control system in the building, the person has a true feel-good experience. Without the intelligence, there would have to be a house-spirit at your side at any time, reading your eyes, how warm you want it to be, what living habits you bring along, whether there is enough fresh air in the room you are staying in and so on. Let's also think about people in need of help, barrier-free living, age-appropriate living - whether at the touch of a button, speech or gestures, new possibilities open up to make life more pleasant and free of obstacles, to feel "at home" in your surroundings. And of course also in public buildings.
What an opportunity to make a contribution to climate healing! Digitization and AI also means developing and producing the necessary means for this in a resource-saving up to climate-neutral manner, supporting and simplifying research in the best possible way, simulating and implementing it in a shorter time. The human being is the weak point, to keep up or to want to keep up with it.
Your new all-in-one KNX / Loxone Server.

Q: How did you come in contact with KNX smart homes and what sparked your interest?
A: The idea of automating buildings has been around forever, including KNX (previously EIB). I first came across it in the master school and was thrilled. I have equipped parts of my training workshop with this system and can thus show the trainees in practice how this system is set up and parameterized and "ticks". In addition, a Loxone and Homematic completes the "all-round carefree package" of the building system technology to show. I love how everything harmonizes and challenges me to implement new things.
KNX is also from the design of the parameterization interface, one of the reasons to integrate this system into the training. The teaching of the basics is very limited in terms of time and ETS makes it easy - even didactically - to quickly achieve success with the trainees. This is also the reason to put the basics of KNX and handling the software online. Questions and requests for further topics drive me forward.
Q: What is your position on the integration of stable and wired smart homes and wireless, IoT devices such as Philips Hue lamps?
A: I am a fan of "fixed" and "electro-emmission free" cabling. Of course, what is once permanently installed is not so easy to change or means for the end customer to communicate his new wishes or changes to a specialized company, which then usually "only" has to make parameterization/programming changes to the system. Bus system thank you! We know our impatience with ourselves to want to achieve results immediately and not to have to dig so deep into our wallets. So in the last years isolated solutions of well-known manufacturers and various start ps came rapidly into our life, which provide an immediate solution for the end customer in a simple way. We remember: The telephone was connected with an eternal waiting time by a specialized company! Nowadays I sign a contract with a communications company, one day later I get the router, which can do everything (Internet, telephony, integration of building control) and I am immediately digitally integrated into our society, provided that I have less or sometimes more experience and previous knowledge.
Of course the wireless devices are high in business and in this respect they are simply structured for each end customer. If the devices meet the EMC directives, relevant standards of electrical engineering (Europe) and data security and create a wow experience via plug and play, I welcome the integration of wireless IoT things like Philips Hue lamps.
Since these devices are usually purchased without expert advice from an electrical company, problems can arise in the building's wired power supply system. This is where a complex issue arises: switching and dimming of LEDs with their electronic ballasts. Please don't be surprised if a specialist, in this case the electronics technician, has to rush to help in case of massive use.
Q: Alexa, Siri or Google? Or none of them?
A: If we talk about IoT, then these names like Siri, Alexa, Google and Bixby are always there. Voice activated we get help, suggestions, translation, complex control results and at the same time we can focus our attention on other things. If the whole thing works like in "Iron Man", we always have another reliable "life partner" at our side. I find it difficult to siphon off information about my own life. Of course, this additional, always learning partner also needs to know about my personality in order to be able to respond to my needs. But these are things between me and this thing and no third party company that has completely different interests in evaluating my information. That must be regulated.
We live in a time where the fastest processors are shaping our lives andI as a human being have the influence how. I am so happy that it is so.
7. Homeandsmart
Home&smart (2.63K subscribers) is an independent consumer portal for smart homes and smart assistants. The portal's experts carry out extensive tests and evaluations. In around 3,000 articles in over 100 categories, consumers can find out everything about products for connected living and living in the future.
They explain what the term smart home actually means, how to secret routines with Amazon Alexa, how to use Google Actions, integrates Sonos and more.

8. Thomas Nagy
Thomas (83.7K subscribers) posts weekly smart home and installation-related videos of his day job as an electrician working in London.
In his videos, he runs you through what it’s like to be a KNX installer, how a KNX system is fitted at his customer’s home and all about KNX setup as well as programming. If you’re a self employed electrician yourself or would like a glimpse into that life, take a look at his videos.

9. Nils-Hendrik Welk
Nils-Hendrik (72.8K subscribers) is a young creator and his channel features smart home news, reviews, tips & tricks as well as Apple HomeKit tutorials. If you’re looking to integrate Amazon Alexa, Apple HomeKit or Google Home, want to see unboxings and tests of smartphones and smart devices, this channel is the one for you!

He answered a couple of questions for us:
Q: Tell me more about yourself, when and why did you start your YouTube channel?
A: My name is Nils-Hendrik Welk, I'm 25 years old and currently working full-time as a graphic designer alongside YouTube. I started with YouTube 2011 out of curiosity and with the thought "Why not". Since I have always been interested in technology, especially Apple products, I knew directly what topic I wanted to start with. In 2014, after graduating from high school, I started studying "Digital Media Production" to broaden my skills. I successfully completed my studies in 2019 and Youtube was always running on the side, just like today.
Q: Alexa, Siri or Google? Or None at all?
A: Actually all three. Since I test many smart home devices on my channel, I also use all three popular voice assistants in my everyday life. Each has its own advantages, Siri works very well with the system's own HomeKit, Apple Music and functions such as intercom or handoff audio playback. Alexa, on the other hand, is very open to almost any smart home gadget and is also in a way much smarter than Siri. I use Google the least, but the voice assistant itself is probably the best. But I don't use so many devices in the Google ecosystem and most gadgets are compatible with both Alexa and Google - somehow I like Alexa better in everyday life. But it is surely a matter of taste.
Q: Will smart home technology ever become fully mainstream? And if yes, why?
A: For sure it will. But of course this will also take some time. In the future, every new building will be equipped with smart home technology in order to save energy, for example, via smart heating thermostats or intelligent lighting. But also in terms of comfort or accessibility, the smart home offers a lot of advantages that more and more people will see and start using. Acceptance will take a little longer, especially in Germany, because the topic of data protection plays a major role. But once the ice is broken, the younger generation in particular will take the advantages for granted in the future.
Q: Are you familiar with wired smart homes? What do you think of them?
A: I have not used wired smart home systems myself. However, if I were building a house, I would be more interested in them and would certainly consider this type. Especially for a new building or a complete renovation it certainly makes sense to consider this type. KNX offers many advantages, because it is a standard that is compatible with countless suppliers. This is also something that needs to be improved in the future in the field of smart homes in general: compatibility. Because if the lights cannot interact with the motion detectors or the window sensors cannot interact with the heating thermostats because they come from different companies, the whole thing makes no sense.
10. Smart Home Systems
Smart Home Systems (186 subscribers) is a Romanian smart home company that educates on the basics of KNX and Loxone; from explaining what is multi-room audio, to installing a weather station, smart home costs and others.
If you’re a complete beginner in smart homes, then Smart Home Systems is a great source of knowledge and another perspective.

Stefan was willing to answer a couple of smart home-related questions:
Q: Tell me more about yourself, when and why did you start your YouTube channel?
A: My name is Stefan Onica, I am the manager of Smart Home Systems and this year I decided to start a YouTube channel to help people understand why it is important to use professional automation systems like KNX and Loxone. Also, I think it is a big opportunity right now in Romania, because we have a small smart home market and I think I am able to promote the advantages of integrating professional smart home systems using this platform.
Q: In what ways do you think smart homes simplify people’s lives?
A: Despite the fact that I am a professional system integrator and this is my job, I live in a smart house and I really feel on my own that this kind of system is able to increase the levels of comfort, safety and to manage energy consumption. For example, my favorite function is when I leave the house and I just tapp three times on the touch and the music turns off, TV turns off, lights turn off, thermostat is set to economy and the alarm is armed. With just a triple-tap, your life is simple for sure.
Q: Alexa, Siri or Google?
A: All of them. We have to get used to intelligent assistants and we have to admit that they will make our lives safer and much easier. I still dream of the time when we will have our own AI that becomes our best virtual friend.
11. SmarthomeLife
The Smarthome Life (3.67K subscribers) YouTube channel has one of the best KNX for beginners courses out there. From laying out cables and learning about line couplers to reviews of KNX and Gira smart home servers .
If you’d like to broaden your perspective on KNX and how to integrate different devices such as DoorBird video doorbell, then you’ve come to the right place.

Here are Anton’s answers on our questions:
Q: Tell me about yourself and how did you start your YouTube channel?
A: I am Anton Siwuchin, a qualified electrical engineer. Originally my wife started a construction blog about us building a house in 2017. In the course of the project we realized that the smart home topic and KNX etc. is very interesting and the demand is very high, so I decided to create my own channel and focus on KNX smart homes. Meanwhile I am self-employed with my company SiwuPlan, where I offer my customers smart home planning, programming and KNX control cabinets. Parallel to this I continue to shoot interesting videos about the smart home technology.
Q: How did you come in contact with KNX smart homes and what sparked your interest?
A: I already had a lot to do with KNX technology at my former employer and I am very convinced of this technology, because it is a worldwide standard, there is a very good selection of products and the quality is right.
Q: What is your position on the integration of stable and wired smart homes and wireless, IoT devices such as Philips Hue lamps?
A: My view is that a safe and stable system can only be achieved by a wired basic structure. Devices such as Philips Hue lamps can be well suited as complementary components
The IoT devices and the KNX world are melting together more and more, so a smart home can only work with these two components.
Q: Will smart home technology ever become fully mainstream? Why?
A: Of course, as well as how the car became part of our lives and now we cannot imagine life without it, or the smartphone, is the best example. Currently there is a big shift in this area, people need some time to realize what added value such a smart home offers.
And the only thing that is limited for us humans is time. After all, we all don't want to waste time with unnecessary tasks such as pulling up the shutters etc. but enjoy life and use the maximum time. In addition the smart home supports us already and in the future even more - whether with the entrance, lighting control, roll shutter control, heating or even with cooking.
12. Sys.tec
If you’re looking into upgrading your Gira HomeServer with Apple Siri assistant or add more security to your Gira smart home, look no further. Sys.tec (352 subscribers), even though it’s a channel with a smaller audience, provides a great source of knowledge for German speaking Gira smart home owners.
They have their own showroom in Stuttgart, Germany and are willing to show on video or in person how to integrate voice control, DoorBird or FRITZ!Fon and others into a Gira smart home.

Your new all-in-one KNX / Loxone Server.