KNX Supported Devices

Below you can find a list of KNX devices that can be imported to Apple Home, Alexa and Google Home. From there you can use them in automation, scenes and other features offered by smart assistants. Automation features offered by assistants are also briefly described.

If you don't find your device you can reach to our support.
They will help you find a workaround and let the team know of your request.

KNX Supported Device

Apple Home

Amazon Alexa

Google Home

Simple light

On/Off control

Dimming light

On/Off control

Dimming percentage control

HSV light

On/Off control

Dimming percentage control

HSV color control

Color temperature light

On/Off control

Dimming percentage control

Color temperature control

RGB light

On/Off control

(coming soon)

Dimming percentage control

(coming soon)

RGB color control

(coming soon)

RGBW light

(as RGB light)

(as RGB light)

(coming soon as RGB light)

Switching device

On/Off control

Garage door

Change state (pulse)


Adjustable blinds

Open/Close control

Position control

Slat position control


Simple blinds

Open/Close control




KNX scene

Trigger a scene number


Central function

Trigger a scene number



On/Off control



Target temperature control

View current temperature

Heating/Cooling mode

Change display units

Air conditioning

On/Off control




Target temperature control




View current temperature


Heating/Cooling mode


Change display units


Fan speed control




Swing mode control





On/Off control



Fan speed control




Swing mode control




Temperature sensor

Humidity sensor


CO2 sensor



Contact sensor

Brightness sensor



Motion sensor


Occupancy sensor

(use as motion sensor)


Smoke sensor




Push button

Short press



Long press



Double press




Mute/Unmute control



Volume control



Apple Home

Amazon Alexa

Google Home








Time of day


An accessory is controlled



A sensor detects something


Alarm clock is triggered

(via time of the day)

Smart Guard (detecting sounds from breaking glass, smoke alarms, ...)




Apple Home

Amazon Alexa

Google Home

Maximum number of assistant devices per single 1Home device




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